The perennial Mago River which flows from north to south and finally drain to Omo River; and Neri River which flows to the west drain to Omo river after joining Mago river are responsible not only for biological and physical makeup of the national park but also accompanied by traditional lifestyle glorify that Mago national park is unusual place on earth.
Mago depression and Tama plateau are responsible for the majority of wildlife species, both mammalian and avian species of the park while mountains landmark has breathtaking scenic beauty. Game view, mountain land mark (scenery), birding, fishing, rich traditional life style, and related activities are the main tourism attractions of the park.
The Park has an asphalt road connection with Addis Ababa, a distance of 790 km south on the main Addis Ababa- Arba Minch- Jinka road. The most commonly used route into the park is via Jinka gate, 32km from Jinka town. Jinka airport operates daily flights from Addis Ababa.
There are only recommended potential camping grounds in the park and economy hotels at Jinka town, 40 km from park HQ.